Tuesday, July 20, 2010

4 Generations X 2 = Our Families

Hey Yall,
So I have a couple of fun shots that I wanted to share with you... A few weeks ago we were able to take a 4 generation photo on mine and Meagan's side of the family! So In one photo you have Meagan her granny, mom and Olive and in the other you have Me my Gran, my pop and Olive. Just a fun little glimpse into our families!


Monday, July 19, 2010

OLIVE Is Here!

Ok, So many of you may already know but for those of you that don't.... We had our baby! Olive was born on June 8th, 6lb 4oz. I know I'm very late with my post but better late than never! I have told myself that I will keep up with my posts! Lots of stuff going on! Tons of Weddings, Engagements, and Bridal shoots! But in the mean time here are some photos of the cutest baby in the world! Enjoy!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Olive's Bag!

So we finished sewing Olive's diaper bag last week...
Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For!

So, we ran into some old family friends of ours at a wedding we shot a few weeks ago.
He's bald and made the mistake of asking if we could give him hair... So I did, enjoy!
(see the original at the bottom.)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This blog has been set up for a LONG while and we have yet to do anything with it. I can't guarantee it will always be interesting, or well written, or even read, but I CAN promise we will do a better job of posting and keeping up with it.

Because it is the middle of wedding season, there are several shoots we will try to catch up on and several coming up over the next few weeks. It is also spring time and we are doing a lot of gardening!  As spring keeps rolling along memories will be captured, photos will be uploaded, and color will be brought to this page.

In the mean time here is a picture from our wedding. (clearly it was very elegant...KIDDING)  We celebrated our first anniversary last month.  It's hard to believe it has been that long ago.  We can't wait for the years to come!

         Meagan and Ryan