Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why I Do What I Do...

Every now and then I get the opportunity to be a part of a wedding that reminds me why I do what I do. On Sunday we shot Lisa and Mike's wedding at Thunderbird Chapel. Never have I meet a couple more in love than these two. I get to see a lot of VERY happy couples. But this couple was completely and totally, 100% in Love. When they danced their first dance together you could tell that they were lost in each other and none of us watching even existed.... Congrats Lisa and Mike! Best wishes for a lifetime of happiness!


Saturday, May 21, 2011


Now, I should start by saying that I consider myself a connoisseur of Burgers. I have recently found the best burger in Oklahoma City... (used to be Nick's but not anymore) S&B's Burger Joint. This little place is off of N. May close to Best Buy and Guitar Center. I had the "Fatty" and Thanksgiving French Fries (Sweet potato fries covered with marshmallows and cranberries) It was AWESOME! You have to try this place!



Yes! I promise I am going to do a better job posting to our blog! It won't always be photography related... But It will be interesting! We have a ton of new stuff hitting the blog and FB soon! So keep checking back!